by Duncan Müller | Jun 12, 2018 | Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching
Overcome with all the negativity on your team? All the finger-pointing. “You shouldn’t have done that!” Or, when things are challenging, you become small, retreating into your shell? Maybe you’re tired of team members avoiding saying what needs to be said. (I suspect...
by Duncan Müller | Jun 12, 2018 | Career Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching
Leading your team too gently? Being Mr Nice Guy makes sense – after all, you want to be liked, right? You want everyone to be happy at work and get on well. (Sounds familiar to me.) So, your inner voice in the back of your head (some call it your saboteur, chimp or...
by Duncan Müller | Jun 12, 2018 | Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching
SOUND FAMILIAR? Your people working in silos? The team not connecting? Departments not collaborating? The creatives not talking to client services? Maybe you’ve had regular team meetings covering how you want them to work together. You’ve discussed what’s important...
by Duncan Müller | Jun 12, 2018 | Career Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching
TRANSFORM HOW YOU CHANGE Facing fears. Learning new skills. Trying to let go. Overcoming insecurities. Stepping up. Having difficult conversations. Improving communication styles. Staying calm. I could go on. Change is around us. We all face new challenges every day...
by Duncan Müller | Jun 12, 2018 | Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching
Tolerance is good, right? It’s right to tolerate differences. To respect others. To be ok with diversity. I am me and you’re you. Living in a multicultural democracy teaches us that (London reminds me every day). Thing is, tolerating others isn’t good. I’VE STOPPED...
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